Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Free Energy at your fingertips


Free energy is all around us

My home has a nice geo-thermal heating system that has worked for years.  If you can afford one, get one as it is way more efficient than any other heating system I know of.
That's because the earth is an infinite heat source and heat sync.  Just dig a trench about 4' down, run a tube through it, fill the trench with water if you like or use a pond to make heat conductivity more efficient and you can now use a simple heat-pump to heat or cool your home.
But no there more!
With the use of a sterling engine, you can actually generate electricity from the temperature differential you get with your geo-thermal heat pump and guess what? As long as your trench is big enough to transfer the heat quickly enough, you can use that to power your home as well!
I spoke with an HVAC specialist at costco one time and mentioned this idea to him.  He said, "sure it's possible but then we would be out of business".
Yes, that IS the problem.  The power's that be do not want simple and free energy.  It breaks their whole machivelian plans for global conquest.
Well, I'm just sayin - it CAN BE DONE.

You can buy a toy sterling engine for $60 here.
Good luck in finding a large one that can do useful work for you.  Bit it is definitely possible and simple with no fancy perpetual machine BS.  The idea works.
C'mon Elon, get with the program!

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